Radio control

FreeDATA provides 4 different ways of controlling your radio: no radio/vox, hamlib/internal, hamlib/external instance, serial ptt

no radio / vox

If selected, no radio will be used.


Usage of shipped rigctld network binary. Recommend usage.

hamlib/external instance

Usage of an external rigctld network binary. Don't forget starting the rigctld server with the correct paramters.

serial ptt

Control your radio via serial commands - only PTT triggering is available!

Hamlib/Rigctld commands

If you want to run rigctld on your own, you can use the following documentation as help

List devices to get device id
rigctld -l
Start rigctld daemon
rigctld -m <device id> -r <port>

Click 'copy to clipboard' button in hamlib settings tab. Paste command info a terminal/cmd prompt window. Add -vvvv argument to see detailed hamlib output.

Example for IC-705
rigctld -m 3085 -r /dev/ttyACM0    
Command Values/Example Description
-m 3085 Hamlib device id
-r /dev/ttyUSB0 Port to radio
-s 9600 Serial speed
-t 4532 Rigctld port
--set-conf= serial_handshake=None Additional settings, comma separated
--set-conf= rts_state=OFF Additional settings, comma separated
--set-conf= dtr_state=OFF Additional settings, comma separated
--set-conf= data_bits=8 Additional settings, comma separated
--set-conf= stop_bits=1 Additional settings, comma separated
Example for Flex Radio 6xxx
rigctld --model=2036 --port=4532 -r <slice hostname/ip of SmartSDR CAT>:<slice tcp port>

i.e. rigctld --model=2036 --port=4532 -r localhost:60000 (Use custom args textbox for -r localhost:60000 command; leaving everything else set to ignore)

Command Values/Example Description
-m 2036 Hamlib device id
-t 4532 Rigctld port
Example for DigiRig Interface
rigctld -p COMX -P RTS