
Welcome to the FreeDATA Wiki!

A free, open-source, multi-platform application for sending files and messages, using the codec2 HF modems

Where to get help?

If you need help or want to contribute to FreeDATA, please join our Discord-Group: https://discord.gg/KNqMVd7fkT
Big thanks to Alan, N1QM!

You are a tester?

Please support the development by enabling the submission of automatic statistical data. To do this, switch on Enable Explorer Stats Publishing in the GUIĀ“s settings menu.
Here you can view the collected overall statistics: https://statistics.freedata.app/
You may also want to use a set of testfiles for data transfer: https://wiki.freedata.app/en/usage/testfiles

Found a bug?

Please refer to this guide first if you encounter problems: https://wiki.freedata.app/en/knowledge-base/freedata-first-aid