The following hints may help when encountering audio and serial port issues within Ubuntu 24.04 for Raspberry (with desktop), while accessing the RPi via RDP (may also apply for any other Debian/Ubuntu based distribution).
Using Ubuntu´s Remote Login via RDP is a relatively new feature which allows Ubuntu driven headless machines to be accessed from remote locations. This makes the use of rather slow solutions such as VNC superfluous. However, many major distibutions grant access to sound devices by default for local login sessions only, so you may encounter that FreeDATA does not find any audio devices while accessing remotely.
If so, you´ll have to add your current user to the local 'audio' group (where $USER corrsponds to the local user) :
sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER
To take the changes into effect, you´ll have to logoff/logon afterwards.
Furthermore, Hamlib may not work properly because the serial device cannot be accessed. In this case, the issue is probably that non-root users do not have access to serial devices. To fix this, execute the following:
sudo adduser $USER dialout
Logoff/logon afterwards is also mandatory here.