
no radio

If selected, no radio will be used.


Usage of rigctld network binary. Recommend usage.

List devices to get device id
rigctld -l
Start rigctld daemon
rigctld -m <device id> -r <port>

Click 'copy to clipboard' button in hamlib settings tab. Paste command info a terminal/cmd prompt window. Add -vvvv argument to see detailed hamlib output.

Special notice regarding hamlib

Both the TNC and GUI need to be able to connect to rigctld. If TNC, GUI, and rig are interfaced from the same machine, using localhost is generally sufficient. If any one component is not hooked up to same machine please use an IP/hostname in all necessary places.

Example for IC-705
rigctld -m 3085 -r /dev/ttyACM0    
Command Values/Example Description
-m 3085 Hamlib device id
-r /dev/ttyUSB0 Port to radio
-s 9600 Serial speed
-t 4532 Rigctld port
--set-conf= serial_handshake=None Additional settings, comma separated
--set-conf= rts_state=OFF Additional settings, comma separated
--set-conf= dtr_state=OFF Additional settings, comma separated
--set-conf= data_bits=8 Additional settings, comma separated
--set-conf= stop_bits=1 Additional settings, comma separated
Example for Flex Radio 6xxx
rigctld --model=2036 --port=4532 -r <slice hostname/ip of SmartSDR CAT>:<slice tcp port>

i.e. rigctld --model=2036 --port=4532 -r localhost:60000 (Use custom args textbox for -r localhost:60000 command; leaving everything else set to ignore)

Command Values/Example Description
-m 2036 Hamlib device id
-t 4532 Rigctld port
Example for DigiRig Interface
rigctld -p COMX -P RTS

Set FreeData to use external rigctld